You may have noticed that this site has crawled to a near-comatose state &
The Le Duo blog has been all but pronounced dead.
Highgate is a rotting corpse at this point.
I really have nothing to blame but the wonderful
Aether Everywhere site. While I didn't develop it, I am responsible for nearly 1/3 of the total site lifetime posts and probably started half of the threads, so I feel pretty close to it. More importantly, all of my friends in the local music scene post there, so it definitely feels like more of a community discourse, rather than here where I'm just preaching to you in a monologue.
So is Spitting Out Teeth dead? Well, in the form that you knew it before, yes. I probably won't be updating the site regularly, maybe just to cross-post my blog entries from Aether Everywhere.
But who knows, maybe I'll reimagine this site a bit. For now, I might just dedicate it to listing playlists and podcasts from the Spitting Out Teeth Radio show on
The Radiator (every Saturday from 7-8pm; tune in!). I've also thought about transitioning it into an album download site a la
Blood is Truth or
Deleted Scenes, Forgotten Dreams. Or maybe even go back to my first love & just offer direct downloads of art-house & experimental cinema.
The possibilities are endless, and I could really use your help in deciding what to do. If you have an opinion, feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me at if you don't want it made public. The decision is yours people (well, it's really mine, but obviously I'll take your opinion into consideration).
Thanks again for your loyal readership over the past couple of years. Help determine the future of Spitting Out Teeth!