Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Now that vacation is finally over, I'm going to dedicate more time to this site. The first step was adding a couple of new sections to the vertical banner to the left. You will notice that the "Burlington Blogs" section has been changed to "Friends of Spitting Out Teeth". The reason for this is to accommodate blogs for my friends who live in other parts of our fine nation, including Casey's "The Contrarian" and "ProgBlog" (Washington D.C), Jereme's "Test 2" marketing books blog (Chicago) and Erin & Megan's "Simple Measure" blog, that documents some of their favorite vegetarian recipes--yum! (also Chicago).

The next step was the addition of a late-summer poll that will allow you, Joe Public, to help make Spitting Out Teeth a better virtual world in which to live (or at least occasionally visit). Look for the bright blue box under the national music blogs list & let me know what you'd like to see more of on this site--concert reviews? local CD reviews? social commentary? a big hug? You decide, and I'll listen because, hey, I care about your needs.

The last step, as you can probably tell by the title of this post, is to complete the second installment of the "Spitting Out Teeth Top Ten Rock Documentaries" list. Expect to see it here by Friday at the latest. Expect to see some classics and some obscure surprises as well.

As always, thanks to everyone who visits this blog--I appreciate your support and friendship! And remember to use the "Comments" section--I don't do any kind of site monitoring for "hits" or anything, so the only way I know people are reading is when they post a comment. So whether you want to just say hi, engage in the discourse or tell me I'm a moron, go for it. It only takes about 30 seconds to register for a Blogger account and you won't get a bunch of spam mail or anything. Take care everyone!

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