Thursday, December 14, 2006

SPEAKING OF JEM COHEN.... looks like someone has posted his wonderful portrait of Elliot Smith called "Lucky Three"--

Also, here's "Glueman", a short collaboration with Fugazi that is included on the "Instrument" DVD--

The trailer for Benjamin Smoke. If you haven't seen this incredibly powerful film yet, go to Waterfront and rent it. Now.

And here's a clip of Jem accepting his Independent Spirit Award for "Chain". Aside from a few sporadic screenings in large cities, this clip is the only place you'll see any footage from his first narrative feature that I know of (until the DVD comes out in 2007)


jay said...

Has anyone watched these yet? I'd love to hear some feedback; Cohen is one of my favorite filmmakers.

Malcom said...

Thank you for this post, really worthwhile info.
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